Fact Finding & Myth Busting


Below you will find some of the most common myths and misconceptions surrounding sprinkler systems and the true facts of the matter.

MYTH: All sprinklers go off like in the movies.
FACT: Only the sprinkler closest to the fire will activate.

MYTH: Water damage from sprinklers is worse than fire damage.
FACT: The property loss in a sprinklered building is far less than and unsprinklered building.

MYTH: I don't need sprinklers because I have smoke alarms.
FACT: Smoke alarms can only detect a fire, sprinklers will actively fight a fire upon activation.

MYTH: Sprinklers are ugly and I don't want them in my home.
FACT: Domestic and Residential sprinklers are generally concealed within the ceiling void with only a cover plate visible.

FACT: Sprinklers are the only devices which can detect a fire, sound the alarm, call the fire and rescue service and control the fire.

FACT: Maintenance costs for sprinklers are very low.

FACT: Sprinklers are mechanically operated by the heat gasses given off by a fire. They operate only in a confirmed fire scenario and do not false alarm.

FACT: Sprinklers save lives.
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